Church of Our Lady of Light Chennai       Worship

      156, Luz Church Rd, CIT Colony, Mylapore, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600004, India

The Church of South Asian nation is that the results of the union of churches of variable traditions Anglican, Methodist, Congregational, Protestant, and Reformed. it had been inaugurated in Gregorian calendar month 1947, when long negotiation among the churches involved. Organized into twenty two dioceses, every below the religious management of a bishop, the church as an entire is ruled by a council, that elects a moderator (presiding bishop) each a pair of years.

Episcopacy is so combined with Synodical government, and therefore the church expressly acknowledges that Episcopal, Protestant, and congregational components square measure all necessary for the church’s life. The Scriptures square measure the last word commonplace of religion and apply. The historic creeds square measure accepted as deciphering the biblical religion, and therefore the sacraments of sacrament and therefore the Lord’s Supper square measure recognized as of binding obligation.

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